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Lockie McDonald

Facilitator (Australia)

Lockie works across a range of industry, government and non-government sectors to manage change.


The focus of his business is to help communities and businesses be better at what they do in the areas of Facilitation, Mediation, Leadership and organisational development, Creative solutions, Project design, sponsorship and funding development, Stakeholder engagement


He has extensive leadership experience and a reputation for initiating transformational projects that result in legacy. Originally trained as a registered nurse Lockie founded what is now Australia’s largest contemporary circus company, Rock N Roll Circus now Circa.


Lockie is a graduate from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Journalism and Creative Writing. Since 2011 Lockie has been a Director on the Board of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation. He is also a Graduate of the Australian Rural Leadership Program, Course 17.


He was the Chair of Arts Practice, Community Arts and Cultural Development, Australia Council for the Arts, the Australian Government's arts funding and advisory body.

June Garcia

Consultant to Global Libraries, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (USA)

June Garcia has over 40 years’ experience as a public librarian. Her experience includes six years as director of the San Antonio Public Library (Texas) and 12 years as Administrator of the branch library system of the Phoenix Public Library (Arizona). She has also served as CEO of the CARL Corporation, and as Vice President and Chief Ambassador of TLC/CARL, two major library automation companies providing integrated systems to public libraries and consortia.

Following six years as a managing partner of Dubberly Garcia Associates, Inc., on February 1, 2008, she became sole proprietor of June Garcia LLC.

June has been an active participant for over twenty-five years in the efforts of the Public Library Association in the US to develop tools that will enable public librarians and trustees to effectively plan, measure and evaluate public library service.  Her vast experience in the field has included serving on and leading committees focussed on public library planning, output measures and ensuring that public libraries “work smart” to produce results that are of value to their communities. She is co-author, along with Sandra Nelson of Creating Policies for Results: From Chaos to Clarity (2003) and Public Library Service Responses 2007 (2007). June serves as the associate editor for the Results series of publications by PLA. She is also a leading national trainer in using the strategic planning for results process and co-author of the online modules used in INELI-Oceania.  

June has been a frequent speaker at library conferences on a wide variety of topics relating to public library planning, fund raising, measurement and evaluation, facilities planning, resource allocation, policy development, and intellectual freedom.

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