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Pacific Libraries Network Kickoff Convening 

16-19 September 2018

State Library of Queensland, Brisbane

The purpose of this Convening was to develop the leadership and agree the actions, priorities and next steps necessary to enable the newly established Pacific Libraries Network to thrive and achieve the goals articulated in its Statement of Intent and Compact.

A list of participants is available here.

Presentations from the convening:

Project Sisu : Day 1 Pacific Libraries Network

Alfred Schuster: Day 2. Statement of Intent Day 3, How do we organise ourselves

The Convening brought together 35 people from Pacific nations with a mix of the following skills and attributes: emerging and experienced leaders, including INELI innovators and mentors; library practitioners, enablers and influencers and those with strategic knowledge of the Pacific; representatives of library associations and enabling institutions.

An outcome of the Convening was the Strategic Action Plan Phase 1 2018-2020.

Pacific libraries network group
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