The following people have confirmed their attendance at the Summit
Pacific libraries network
Presentations from the Summit:
Public Access to Information Improves People’s Lives : Deborah Jacobs, Global Libraries
Opening Address, the Permanent Secretary, Fiji Ministry of Education Heritage and the Arts, Ms Alison Burchell
Keynote address by Leituala Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago
Keynote address by Kirsty Sword Gusmao
Getting on the Agenda : Kakaito Kasi, Director General – Library and Archives of PNG
Introductory remarks : Christine Mackenzie, IFLA President-elect
The Pacific Library Summit brought together key stakeholders from across the Pacific to advocate for the role of public libraries and librarians in society and to inspire a vision and agreement for collaborative and sustainable development of public library services in the region.
The Summit has produced a Statement of Intent document for public library development in the Pacific.
The Objectives of the Summit were to:
Create an opportunity for Pacific collaboration to advance the development of public library services
Advocate the importance of public libraries in building sustainable communities and supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals, e.g. education, innovation, informed citizenship
Inspire, motivate and equip Pacific library practitioners for leadership and innovation
Build and strengthen a supportive network of Pacific library leaders, practitioners and stakeholders
A list of participants is available here
The two cohorts from the INELI-Oceania Program attended the Summit – innovators, mentors and sponsors and the Steering Committee. A number of practitioners from the Pacific have been identified and were invited to participate. As well, invitations were issued to around eighty influencers in the South Pacific including:
Government cultural and educational agencies
Regional organisations
Ministers and Departmental Secretaries
Business leaders, Chambers of Commerce
Philanthropic organisations
Australian and New Zealand library institutions e.g. National Library of Australia, National Library of New Zealand, National and State Libraries of Australasia (NSLA), Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA)
International and regional library associations e.g. International Federation of Library Associations, Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives.
The Summit was organised by INELI-Oceania, a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, State and National Libraries of Australasia, the Australian and New Zealand library associations and a number of public libraries and supported by the National Archives of Fiji. INELI - Oceania has provided leadership development to 34 young library professionals from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific over the past four years, and as the program was coming to an end, there was the desire to build a lasting legacy for public libraries in the Pacific. By bringing together practitioners, enablers and influencers from the region it was hoped that a recognition of the power of libraries to improve people’s lives would lead to a commitment to developing and supporting libraries.
INELI-Oceania is based on the highly successful International Network of Library Innovators (INELI), a project of the Global Libraries initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which since 2011 has provided emerging library leaders with opportunities to connect with each other - to explore new ideas, to experiment with new services and to learn from one another. The program has been funded by the Gates Foundation and a number of peak library organisations in Australia and New Zealand and is guided by a Steering Committee representing local program partners and funders: ALIA; LIANZA and NSLA as well as National Archives Fiji. Other key supporters include the State Library of Queensland; the State Library of Victoria; PLVN (Public Libraries Victoria Network); and Auckland Libraries. ALIA provides administrative support for the Program Manager.
The primary objectives of the program are to identify, nurture, and develop innovative emerging leaders in Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific through an online learning program and network opportunities and foster partnerships and collaboration of stakeholders in the region.